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1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus
$ 19.00
Cape Cod Wampanoag Cookbook: Traditional New England & Indian Recipes, Images & Lore
$ 14.95
Indian Handcrafts: How To Craft Dozens Of Practical Objects Using Traditional Indian Techniques
$ 18.95
Indian Herbalogy of North America
$ 29.95
Keepunumuk: Weeâchumun's Thanksgiving Story
$ 17.99
Native American Testimony: A Chronicle of Indian-White Relations from Prophecy to the Present, 1492-2000, Revised Edition
$ 21.00
Native American Wisdom
$ 6.95
Native Harvests: American Indian Wild Foods and Recipes
$ 16.95
Native Wisdom for White Minds
$ 18.00
New England Indians
Secrets of Native American Herbal Remedies: A Comprehensive Guide to the Native American Tradition of Using Herbs and the Mind/Body/Spirit Connection for Improving Health and Well-being
$ 23.00
Wampanoag Art for the Ages: Traditional and Transitional
$ 20.00
Wampanoag Nation Puzzle
$ 21.99
Wampanoag: People of the East
$ 4.95