Cranberry Maple Nausamp Mix
Bring the taste of Indigenous New England to your table on Thanksgiving or any day!
Nausamp (nah-SAWMP) is a traditional Wampanoag dish made from coarsely ground dried corn (today called sampe or grits) that is cooked as a porridge or stew with meats, nuts, seeds and sometimes fruit added.
Cranberry Maple Nausamp is a fruit nausamp that is slightly sweetened with maple sugar. A favorite dish with the Wampanoag and other indigenous cultures, it’s often enjoyed with family and friends as a morning meal, midday snack or side dish.
This mix is proudly made with local ingredients.
- Plimoth 8-Row Flint Corn (Indian Corn) grown by Lazy Acres Farm, North Hadley, MA and milled into sampe at the Plimoth Grist Mill
- Dried Cranberries grown by Decas Farms, Carver, MA
- Organic Maple Sugar from Butternut Mountain Farm, Morrisville, VT
To prepare the Nausamp, just add the ingredients to water and simmer. For an even more authentic and delicious taste, add ground walnuts, hazelnuts or sunflower seeds. For additional sweetness top with a drizzle of maple syrup. Makes 9 servings (1/2 cup each).